2022, 2022 New York City Bankruptcy Conference

2022 New York City Bankruptcy Conference - Replay

With the new realities brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, insolvency and restructuring professionals are being tested to find solutions amid the rising challenges of today’s business environment.

The ABI New York City Bankruptcy Conference, one of ABI’s largest and most prestigious events — and one of the most significant gatherings of insolvency and restructuring professionals in the New York metro area — is the place to hear from the best and learn practical techniques and tips for meeting the challenges of today’s insolvency landscape.


NO CLE - Revisiting Bad-Faith Filings: Exiting Chapter 11

This panel will discuss improper purposes and the use of chapter 11 (NRA and Stream TV Networks, Inc.), analyze chapter 11 issues in liquidating cases, and cover what attorneys and other professionals need to know when preparing chapter 11 liquidation plans.

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NO CLE - Corporate Governance in Distressed Situations, Including the Role of Sponsors and Senior Management

This panel will address issues related to corporate governance in distressed situations. The discussion will include the interplay between corporate governance and sponsor action, considerations regarding independent directors, and the ongoing debate on the role of employee compensation plans in bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Impacts of the Global Pandemic on Valuation: “An Invitation for a Fight”

As bankruptcy became a reality for many companies during the pandemic, valuation became a key question. In September 2020, Bloomberg commented, “Pinning a dollar value on a bankrupt enterprise is hard in the best of times. During a pandemic, it’s an invitation for a fight.” This session will discuss approaches to valuation in periods of volatility and business disruption, and how courts have dealt with the ensuing disputes.

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NO CLE - Mediation in Large Cases

This panel will discuss mediation as a pathway to case-resolution; mediation advantages and pitfalls; mediation privilege and disclosure; who should be invited to a mediation; and whether a sitting judge, former judge or trained mediator is the best person to lead a mediation. They will also share lessons learned from previous mediations in large cases.

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NO CLE - Anatomy of a Hundred-Cent Case: Deconstructing Hertz and Garrett Motion

Last year, two very different cases achieved substantial returns to equityholders: Hertz and Garrett Motion. This panel will review how Hertz and Garrett Motion were able to achieve this result, including the circumstances that brought these companies to chapter 11 and the value-maximization strategies employed, the auction processes in each case, and how future tort claims were valued. The panel will also hold a broader discussion regarding the financial advisor’s role in the chapter 11 process from inception to exit.

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NO CLE - Mass-Tort Cases: Recurring Issues

This panel will discuss recurring issues related to mass tort cases, including the automatic stay, third-party releases (Sun Edision, Midway Gold, Purdue), venue-selection and estimation. The panelists will also offer an analysis of such key recurring issues as the use and propriety of bankruptcy for solvent debtors, and bankruptcy abuse vs. bankruptcy planning.

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NO CLE - Cross-Border Bankruptcy Issues

This panel will cover developments in cross-border restructurings, including the increasing trend in chapter 11 filings by international companies and resulting jurisdictional issues, the rollout of the EU directive and its impact on the international restructuring landscape, and potential challenges to recognition of a U.K. Part 26(A) “Super Scheme" in the U.S. Additional developments in chapter 15 case law will also be discussed.

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NO CLE - Ethics Panel

This panel will look at ethical issues that arise in the context of bankruptcy proceedings, including protecting common interest privilege and retaining and compensating professionals. Panelists will discuss recent cases and share best practices.

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NO CLE - The State of the Economy and Opportunities for Distressed Investors

Despite the headwinds created by the global pandemic, economic activity has been in full swing. Economic growth during the pandemic generally surpassed expectations, with favorable lending conditions and consumers and businesses maintaining a surprising level of activity. The enormous legislative response to the pandemic was responsible for the strength of the economy, but labor shortages, supply disruption and inflation have become real concerns. The Russian invasion into Ukraine in February has only exacerbated these risks.

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Media: Video
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