2022, 2022 Winter Leadership Conference

NO CLE - Great Debates

Resolved: Bankruptcy courts do not have the authority to approve nonconsensual releases of direct claimsheld by third parties against nondebtors as part of a chapter 11 plan or reorganization. Pro: Hon. Eugene R.Wedoff (ret.); Con: Marshall S. Huebner

Resolved: Trustee requests of debtors for documents andinformation beyond that already required by the Code and Rules should not be routinely undertaken, butinstead should be limited to inquiries suggested by issues arising in specific cases. Pro: Tiffany L. Carroll;Con: Gary R. Stickell

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NO CLE - Don’t Just Say No: Ethics and the Changing Practice of Law

Advances in technology are changing how law is practiced. Online research databases, digital contracts, expert systems and document automation all help make lawyers’ routine tasks easier and more efficient. All lawyers must make informed decisions about what technology tools to acquire, develop or leverage. While lawyers’ use of technology is not an end unto itself, it is providing a catalyst for the transformation of the legal profession.

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NO CLE - 150 Days in the Life of a Subchapter V Bankruptcy

Featuring the perspectives of the debtor, creditor, subchapter V trustee and the bench, this session willconsider the life cycle of a small business reorganization.

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NO CLE - Asset Recoveries in Foreign Lands

This panel will discuss some of the more interesting aspects of the asset-recovery process as it relates tolocating foreign assets (i.e., Russian yachts). The panelists also will focus on post-COVID-19 issues, includingsituations where banks were not monitoring collateral as closely as they should have been and are nowhaving trouble locating said assets and selling them, particularly in international cases where the bankruptcyis abroad but the parties are seeking recognition in the U.S.

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NO CLE - Dealing with Digital Assets Turn on screen reader support

This panel will delve into issues involving digital accounts, cryptocurrency and NFTs, including how to getsecured and perfected, how to liquidate, and bankruptcy-specific considerations. The panelists also willdiscuss UCC Article 12 and its impact on the digital-asset world for secured parties, and help practitionersbetter understand the considerations and issues they should be spotting when advising their constituents ondealing with digital assets.

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NO CLE - Supersized Eye On Bankruptcy with Bill Rochelle

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NO CLE - Who Has the Energy? Restructuring Trends in an Ever-Changing Industry

This panel of experts will discuss the latest trends in the wind, coal, and oil and gas industries that havedominated the headlines, with special emphasis on new regulatory issues and changes in the energy market.

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NO CLE - How to Take and Defend Depositions

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Over the last several years, an increasing number of states, including New York, have adopted the UniformVoidable Transactions Act (UVTA), the latest update to the Uniform Voidable Transfer Act. The UVTA made anumber of minor changes and updates to the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA), including changingthe name. What changes were significant? What opportunities to fix problems/vagaries in the UFTA did thedrafters miss? What amendments should the UVTA drafters consider?

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NO CLE - Everything Equipment: How to Value, Finance and Liquidate Types of Equipment, and Restructuring Methods

This panel will provide an overview of different types of equipment and common valuation methods forthem, various techniques and best practices for marketing equipment, and unique bankruptcy issues relatedto equipment.

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