Professional Compensation/Fees

NO CLE - Supreme Court Review

A look at the Supreme Court and bankruptcy law, with a focus on recent and pending cases.

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NO CLE - Consumer Workshop I: Litigation on a Budget

This panel will help sort through the following questions: What is needed to prove your facts? How do you find experts on the cheap? Is a deposition necessary? How many witnesses do I really need? How do I minimize the cost of discovery in a small case without jeopardizing my clients’ interests?

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NO CLE - Committee: Privacy And Social Media: How It Can Impact Law Firm Security, Ethics And Compensation

Hosted by the Ethics and Professional Compensation and Commercial and Regulatory Law Committees

Social media and privacy are areas of opportunity — and concern. Today’s law practice requires that care be taken in both areas. This panel will explore the impact of privacy and social media issues on security, ethics and compensation.

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NO CLE - Third Party Litigation Funding and Issues It Creates in Bankruptcy Cases—This Ain't Your Father’s Contingency Fee Arrangement!

The panel will discuss myriad issues (including ethical issues) that have arisen, and will likely arise in the future, as the current trend of third party litigation funding begins to be a more common funding vehicle in bankruptcy cases.

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NO CLE: Case Law and Rules Update

This session will highlight particularly interesting case law developments to date in 2017 and their impact on bankruptcy law and practice.

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NO CLE - Making It Rain Without Getting Muddy: Developing Business the Ethical Way

This expert panel will discuss different approaches to business development, including lawyer advertising, law firm websites, social media, beauty contests and wining and dining, and factors that may influence the effectiveness of various approaches. Examples will be used to illustrate business-development methods and explain how the Model Rules of Professional Conduct apply to the methods being discussed.

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NO CLE - A Perfect Storm: The Ethical Dilemma of Just Asking to Be Paid

Does an approved fee application shelter counsel from malpractice claims brought by the client? If it does, how do you advise your client about how the application and its approval affects a client’s future claim against you? Does asking for it to be paid pit you against your client and create an unavoidable conflict of interest? Get the tools to navigate these murky ethical considerations.

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NO CLE - A Perfect Storm: The Ethical Dilemma of Just Asking to Be Paid

Does an approved fee application shelter counsel from malpractice claims brought by the client? If it does, how do you advise your client about how the application and its approval affects a client’s future claim against you? Does asking for it to be paid pit you against your client and create an unavoidable conflict of interest? Get the tools to navigate these murky ethical considerations.

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NO CLE - A Penny for Your Thoughts: Insights into the Professional Retention and Compensation Process

This is a subject none of us can afford to ignore: the ins and outs of being retained and paid by the bankruptcy estate. Panelists will discuss recent issues and developments in the area of professional retention and compensation, including a look at the U.S. Trustee Guidelines in practice, recent conflict-of-interest decisions and thoughts on best practices.

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NO CLE - Show Me the Money! The ABC's of Getting Paid Your Attorney's Fees

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