Bankruptcy Taxation

NO CLE - ABI Live Webinar: Tax Reform Crash Course for Bankruptcy

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NO CLE - Consumer Tax Issues in Bankruptcy

Preparing for Success: Managing Tax Issues in Consumer Bankruptcy. The panel will discuss common tax issues arising in consumer bankruptcy cases, with a focus on tax claims, the consequences of when a bankruptcy petition is filed, consequences of chapter selection, handling tax claims in bankruptcy and common discharge issues. Learning Objectives:A Attendees will be able to identify numerous tax issues to be considered before and after a consumer bankruptcy petition has been filed.Attendees will have the benefit of viewpoints offered by a U.S.

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NO CLE - Current Issues in Bankruptcy Litigation

This program will include discussion of a series of issues that arise in adversary proceedings. They will include Merchant Cash Advance Chapter 5 litigation; trustees attempted 10 year IRS statute of limitations use in section 544 actions; license issues on contested sales (Lubrizol); jurisdiction in international cases). This program is designed for lawyers with beginner level experience in adversary proceedings.

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NO CLE - Ins and Outs of Dealing with Tax Claims

This panel will cover issues relating to the discharge of tax claims, objecting to tax claims and the utility of § 505, the consequences of not having tax returns on file as of the petition date, and other tax-related issues that impact debtors.

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No CLE - ABI-Live: Bankruptcy v. Offer in Compromise: Alternatives to Resolving Tax Debts

Tax debts are often viewed as unsurmountable obstacles to a financial future. Both businesses and individuals have options. One popular program is the “Offer in Compromise”, which allows taxpayers to wipe out their tax debts for less than is owed. Bankruptcy is also a powerful solution for certain types of tax liabilities. This webinar will explore which resolution option will be the most effective restructuring tool.

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NO CLE - Clash of the Codes: Bankruptcy Tax Issues Made Simple

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NO CLE - Advising Potential Consumer Debtors About Their Tax Debts


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NO CLE: Case Law and Rules Update

This session will highlight particularly interesting case law developments to date in 2017 and their impact on bankruptcy law and practice.

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NO CLE - Complex Tax Issues

This session will present an in-depth analysis of the interplay among tax law, liquidation and bankruptcy. The panelists will examine some of the tax traps that exist for an individual when business obligations remain unpaid in a closure or bankruptcy, as well as how to use an insolvency defense to defeat phantom K-1 and 1099 income.

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NO CLE - What’s Your Favorite? Supreme Court Decisions that Will Impact (and Already Have Impacted) Bankruptcy Practice

A panel of judges, academics and Supreme Court practitioners will lead a discussion regarding the 2016-17 Supreme Court decisions of note for insolvency practitioners, as well as the high court’s most impactful, interesting or problematic decisions on bankruptcy practice to date. Amendments to Rule 37(e) (in effect since December 2015), as well as courts’ and litigants’ experiences with amended Rule 37(e), will also be discussed.

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