Alternative Dispute Resolution

NO CLE - Judicial Round & Round (2021 Caribbean Insolvency Symposium)

In this virtual variation on the in-person format, a nationwide group of distinguished judges will discuss current bankruptcy and practical skills issues in an innovative Zoom-style presentation. The judges will rotate to a new online “room,” allowing participants to maximize their time and gain valuable insights into best practices.

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NO CLE - Arbitration for Cross-Border Insolvency

Panel presented by the International Committee of the American College of Bankruptcy

The panel will consider whether, if so, to what extent arbitration agreements could be used to resolve problems arising in the course of cross border insolvency proceedings. Hon Paul Heath QC and Dr. Stephan Madaus will discuss questions of arbitrability, use, and enforcement of awards in such cases; particularly under the New York Convention. Prof Troy McKenzie and Corrine Ball will focus more specifically on the use of arbitration in Chapter 15 proceedings.

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NO CLE - Peace Bridge, or Bridge of Sighs: Cross-Border Mediation of Insolvency-Related Disputes

Presented by the Mediation and International Committees
Through a mock mediation, this panel of experienced judges and cross-border mediators and practitioners will illustrate the pitfalls and benefits of using mediation to resolve cross-border insolvency disputes.

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NO CLE - ABI-Live: Collateral Disputes: Experts Weigh In on Recent Transactions

Join the SRS Acquiom team and their panel of experts as they dive into recent transactions involving collateral disputes between lenders and borrowers. The discussion will highlight real-life examples, look back on why the disputes are happening, review the options for lenders, and examine how to prevent disputes from happening in the future.

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NO CLE - Bankruptcy Mediation in Consumer Cases: New Tools for Changing Times

Consumer cases require quick, effective and efficient answers to complex legal issues. Bankruptcy cases are expected to surge as a result of the economic consequences wrought by COVID-19, creating a logjam in the bankruptcy courts that is expected to continue. Mediation is the relief valve, providing opportunities for consumer practitioners to minimize delay and resolve intractable problems.

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NO CLE - Mediating with a Higher Power: Mediation of Disputes with Governments and Governmental Agencies

Although mediation is a recommended method of dispute resolution by many government agencies, in the bankruptcy context it is often hard to get government litigants to the table. This panel will explore the Issues and methods of mediating disputes in commercial cases that involve governments and such government agencies as the SEC, EPA, and FCC, as well as state attorneys general and relevant state agencies.

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NO CLE - Alternative Dispute Resolution Provisions in Bankruptcy

This panel will focus on various forms of alternative dispute resolution, including a discussion of mediation, the benefits of mediation, when mediation is appropriate, determining the best type of mediator for your case and selecting a mediator, and tips for practitioners on the best ways to provide effective mediation presentations and briefings. The panel will also cover the benefits and detriments of arbitration, arbitration strategies, and the enforceability of arbitration provisions in bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Judicial Debates

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NO CLE - Mediation Strategies in Chapter 11

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NO CLE - Student Loans: How Do We Deal with Them Before and After Bankruptcy?

It is estimated that U.S. student debt obligations now exceed $1.5 trillion. This panel will discuss the impact of student loans before and after the borrower files bankruptcy. What can an attorney do to assist his/her client in determining his/her options with student loan obligations? How can a student loan be modified, and what can be done outside the courtroom for the borrower?

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