Alternative Dispute Resolution

NO CLE - Rise of Mediation in Major Bankruptcy Cases

Use of judges as mediators; when is the right time to mediate?; when will discovery or a ruling on a key issue facilitate mediation?; who should attend?; what information should be exchanged and what should be confidential to the mediator?; possible case study of ResCap mediation or other example

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NO CLE - Committee Educational Sessions - Mediation Committee

Inaugural organizational meeting for this new ABI committee focusing on mediation and other ADR methods applied in the bankruptcy process, including conflict-resolution skills development, overcoming impasses, multiparty mediations, confidentiality and more. The committee will consider Model Rules for courts on the use of mediation, mediator qualifications and compensation.

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NO CLE - Transcendental Mediation: Paving the Way for Inner Peace, Reduced Anxiety and Settlement

Overview of the legal landscape for mediation; selecting the mediator (identifying the essential traits and differing styles of a mediator that are suitable for a particular controversy); potential attorney conflicts in mediation; preparing yourself and your client for the mediation; effective use of pre-mediation statements; good, bad and ugly strategies for opening statements; preparing for potential roadblocks in a mediation; effective bargaining strategies; utilizing the mediator to your best advantage; and documenting the settlement agreement.

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NO CLE - The Art and Styles of Bankruptcy Negotiations

“Getting to Yes” in the language of the Fisher and Ury book, has become part of the common lexicon. This program will focus on negotiation techniques in the context of a bankruptcy. After an analysis of negotiation techniques applicable to the world of insolvency, experienced practitioners will relay war stories and examples of tactics that have worked, and those that have not.

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NO CLE - Mediation: An Irrational Approach to a Rational Result

This panel will focus on the irrational biases for decision-making in bankruptcy. The essence of bankruptcy is deciding how to divide the debtor's metaphorical shrinking economic pie among qualified creditors. At its optimum, bankruptcy decision-making is efficient and rational. However, at other times even the most skilled bankruptcy practitioners are stymied by the inability of bankruptcy participants to make seemingly rational business decisions. Why can't everyone be rational? Decision-making is not a rational process.

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NO CLE - Mediating Consumer Case Issues (Mortgage Modification, Turnover, Dischargeability)

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NO CLE - The World has Changed You’d Better Know the Alternatives to Bankruptcy

Business: The World has Changed You’d Better Know the Alternatives to Bankruptcy

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NO CLE - Let’s Work This Out: ADR and Mediation in Business Bankruptcy Matters

Discussion of alternative dispute resolution and mediation procedures and strategies; enforceability of mandatory arbitration clauses in bankruptcy.

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