Alternative Dispute Resolution

No CLE - ABI-Live: What Happens in Mediation, Stays in Mediation... or Does It?

Join panelists as they explore the issues of confidentiality and privilege in bankruptcy mediations. The panel will discuss the current landscape for what may be the most critical component to the success of a mediation; and delve into what parties and courts are, and/or should be, doing to protect and preserve parties' reasonable expectations regarding the confidentiality of all that is said and exchanged during the course of a bankruptcy mediation. It promises to be an interesting discussion for anyone representing a party, or otherwise participating, in a bankruptcy mediation.

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NO CLE - Is Mediation the Antidote for Health Care Disputes?

Hosted by the Mediation and Health Care Committees

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No CLE - ABI-Live: Bankruptcy v. Offer in Compromise: Alternatives to Resolving Tax Debts

Tax debts are often viewed as unsurmountable obstacles to a financial future. Both businesses and individuals have options. One popular program is the “Offer in Compromise”, which allows taxpayers to wipe out their tax debts for less than is owed. Bankruptcy is also a powerful solution for certain types of tax liabilities. This webinar will explore which resolution option will be the most effective restructuring tool.

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NO CLE - Committee: Mediation At Center Stage: When To Mediate, Mediator Selection And Recent Developments Affecting Chapter 11 Mediation

Hosted by the Business Reorganization and Mediation Committees

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NO CLE - Potpourri: Mediation, Opportunities for Young Lawyers, and the Role of Delaware Counsel

This judges' panel will include a discussion of various aspects of mediation, the judges' views on developing and encouraging younger lawyers, and a discussion of the important role served by Delaware lawyers when acting as local counsel.

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NO CLE: Case Law and Rules Update

This session will highlight particularly interesting case law developments to date in 2017 and their impact on bankruptcy law and practice.

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NO CLE - Sealing the Deal: Negotiating, Documenting and Consummating Settlements in Bankruptcy

This interactive nuts-and-bolts panel will discuss three phases of settlements in the context of a bankruptcy case: (1) negotiating a settlement, including evaluating the benefits of settlement versus litigation risk and expense, negotiating tactics and strategies, and the role of the mediator; (2) drafting term sheets and settlement agreements, an overview of the law on the enforceability of term sheets and settlement agreements (both pre- and post-court approval), and the components of the settlement agreement; and (3) consummating the settlement, with an emphasis on Federal Rule of Bankrupt

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Judges’ Roundtable (No CLE)

Featuring the Judges of the 22nd Annual Rocky Mountain Bankruptcy Conference

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NO CLE - Committee Educational Session: Mediation/Bankruptcy Litigation

War and Peace: Recent Trends and Developments in Bankruptcy Litigation and Mediation

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NO CLE - Somewhere Beyond the Sea, The Challenges of Mediation, Cross Border and In the Caribbean.

Discussion of issues suited for cross border mediation, different mediating styles and local practices, judges as mediators, ethics and conflicts of interest, the ABI Model local Rule and much more.

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