
NO CLE - Mortgage Modification Programs in Bankruptcy (Consumer Practice)

A conversation on how bankruptcy courts can get ready for the expected tsunami of mortgage defaults post-COVID and beyond. The panelists will share recent updates on extending the same process to address student loan defaults in chapter 13 bankruptcy cases.

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NO CLE - Nightmarish Consumer Issues

This panel will explore some of the nasty topics that keep consumer lawyers awake at night, such as HOA/timeshare issues, surrendering in light of no foreclosure, and fee-jumping.

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NO CLE - ABI-Live: CFPB Mortgage-Servicing Regulations and Their Effects on Bankruptcy: An Update

Sponsored by ABI's Commercial and Regulatory Law Committee
A distinguished panel of experts will discuss the background and scope of the latest mortgage-servicing regulations promulgated by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and how they could impact your day-to-day bankruptcy practice.

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NO CLE - Mortgage Forbearance and Modification Issues

This panel will discuss changes in the CARES act and consolidated appropriations act as well as general housing issues.

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NO CLE - A Catch-22: Dilemmas for Landlords in the Era of COVID-19

Presented by the Real Estate and Unsecured Trade Creditors Committees
This panel will explore the myriad legal conundrums landlords have been facing in bankruptcy cases across the country since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold. Discussion points will include landlord rights to assumption/rejection and timing, the ability of debtors to defer rent payments to landlords for lengthy periods of time, and the impact of force majeure clauses in these disputes.

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NO CLE - A Deep Dive on Important Bankruptcy Cases

This session will draw upon the immense popularity of the annual Case Law Update session, focusing on a handful of important bankruptcy cases that are sure to affect your consumer practice.

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NO CLE - Judges’ Round-and-Round (2018 Winter Leadership Conference)

In this roundtable format, attendees can visit with leading judges (each presiding at their own table) to discuss and debate the nation’s most important recent business and consumer bankruptcy decisions.

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NO CLE - “They Sold My House — and You Said It Was Safe!”

This panel will discuss the chapter 7 trustee’s ability to avoid and surcharge the taxing authority’s secured lien for the benefit of the estate. The panelists will review in detail 11 U.S.C. § 724 and related Code sections, the proper procedural approach, preemption, and related § 363 sales and their implication on property that debtor’s counsel thought was safe or exempt.

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NO CLE - Judges’ Round-And-Round

In this round-and-round format, visit with leading judges (each at their own roundtables) to discuss and debate the nation’s most important recent business and consumer bankruptcy decisions.

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NO CLE - CFPB’s Amended Mortgage Servicing Regulations and Their Effects on Bankruptcy

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