NO CLE - Look Before You Leap: Lessons Learned from CCRC (Life Plan Community) Bankruptcies

This panel will focus on the economics of continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) and where theyare positioned in the senior living and care industry. Learn how the pandemic and resulting economy haveimpacted CCRCs, and how they are managing the resulting operating challenges. Because CCRCs frequentlyrequire substantial individual financial upfront investment, prospective residents and their heirs may expressconcerns about risks and potential losses in the event of a CCRC bankruptcy.

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NO CLE - Post-COVID-19 Valuations and Appraisals: What Effects Did the COVID-19 Economy Have on Business and Real Estate Values?

This panel will discuss various issues concerning the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic and the economy for the last two years have had on valuations and appraisals. Since cash flow is essential for valuations and operations, the panelists will also discuss the effects of the pandemic on businesses’ cash flow and what can be done to recover and improve cash flow. In addition, the panelists will discuss the sales and auctions of assets during the pandemic period.

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NO CLE - Is a Tsunami of Commercial Real Estate Restructurings Coming?

This panel will provide an overview and discussion of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and return-to-office issues, and what impacts they may have on the commercial real estate industry. The panelists will discuss market data and trends, as well as relevant case law on the valuation of commercial real estate in the context of bankruptcy cases. The panel also will review hypothetical scenarios to emphasize key issues that affect the valuation of commercial real estate in a disrupted and uncertain marketplace.

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NO CLE - Impacts of the Global Pandemic on Valuation: “An Invitation for a Fight”

As bankruptcy became a reality for many companies during the pandemic, valuation became a key question. In September 2020, Bloomberg commented, “Pinning a dollar value on a bankrupt enterprise is hard in the best of times. During a pandemic, it’s an invitation for a fight.” This session will discuss approaches to valuation in periods of volatility and business disruption, and how courts have dealt with the ensuing disputes.

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NO CLE - Valuation Issues in Airline and Aircraft Restructurings

The COVID-19 pandemic, as well as recent political and economic events, have highlighted a number of complicated and hotly debated issues regarding the valuation of airlines in the context of restructurings. This panel will discuss, among other things, how macroeconomic issues are impacting business plans and valuations, the way valuation issues play out in large airline restructurings, and investors’ views on the role that valuation plays in investment decisions and negotiations of restructuring transactions.

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NO CLE - The Pandemic Era: Did Corporate Valuation Change?

This case-study-based discussion will focus on valuation for companies significantly impacted by COVID-19. The panelists will discuss recent cases where the market and business uncertainty caused by the pandemic led to unpredictable or unexpected valuation outcomes. Further consideration will be given as to how these outcomes might (or might not) be relevant going forward.

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NO CLE - Real Estate Implications of COVID-19 on Senior Living Business Models

The senior living sector, already stressed prior to the pandemic, has been upended by COVID-19. This panel will discuss the effects that COVID-19 has had on operational and financial performance, business models past and future, and the real estate valuations of senior living facilities. The panel will also identify what in-court and out-of-court alternatives exist, and will highlight adaptive reuse opportunities for owners and operators of these facilities.

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NO CLE - Pandemic Impacts on Hotels and Hospitality: Challenges and Opportunities

The real estate sector is accounting for an increasing number of bankruptcy filings, and the pandemic has hit the hospitality industry particularly hard and is spurring restructuring activity in that area. Join this panel of experts as they discuss the rise in hospitality bankruptcies, challenges that are specific to this industry and the real estate sector, and restructuring opportunities that have emerged and will likely continue as part of the post-pandemic recovery.

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NO CLE - Health Care Update

This panel will discuss the current and post-pandemic view of the impact of mandatory vaccinations on post-acute care, including the relaxation of the three-day rule on quality of staffing, bracing for changes in the future of infection control, the effects of cost structures from PPE expenditures, the movement toward home health care, visitation limitations and their psychological effects on patients, patient care ombudsmen and their usefulness, the impact of COVID-19 on private equity and varying facets of post-acute care, and insolvency and exit strategies for health care providers.

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NO CLE - Can I Pay for this Restructuring with Points? Distressed Debt in the Travel & Hospitality Industry

This panel will discuss the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the travel and hospitality industry, including how airlines, cruise lines and hotels have managed through the crisis so far, what’s next for the industry once the pandemic becomes endemic (and hopefully milder), and the unique issues that arise in hotel property workouts and bankruptcies.

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